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Asbestos Class A Licence in NSW

To apply for a Class A Asbestos Removal licence in NSW you are required to hold ISO 45001:2018 OHS Management Systems Certification by a JASANZ Accredited Certification Body like Adaptive Certifications.

If you hold a Class A Asbestos Removal Licence, you can remove both friable and non-friable asbestos – Class A asbestos removal licence | SafeWork NSW

Some of our NSW clients in the asbestos industry include:


Benefits of ISO 45001 and the construction industry:


    1. Risk Mitigation and Accident Prevention: Construction sites are inherently risky environments. ISO45001 helps construction businesses identify, assess, and manage these risks systematically. By implementing preventive measures, such as proper equipment usage, training, and hazard identification, construction companies can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries.
    2. Regulatory Compliance: The construction industry is subject to numerous health and safety regulations. OHS Management Systems Certification assists construction businesses in staying compliant with these regulations, ensuring that projects are carried out within legal frameworks. This minimises the risk of legal actions and penalties.
    3. Improved Worker Safety: Construction workers face various hazards, from heavy machinery to working at heights. ISO 45001 encourages the development of safety protocols and practices that safeguard workers’ well-being. This leads to fewer accidents, injuries, and work-related illnesses.
    4. Enhanced Reputation: Construction companies with ISO 45001 certification convey a strong commitment to safety, which can positively impact their reputation. Clients, investors, and partners are more likely to choose companies that prioritise worker safety, leading to increased business opportunities.
    5. Contract Acquisition and Bid Success: Many clients and contractors require safety certification from their construction partners. Holding ISO 45001 certification gives construction businesses a competitive edge during bidding processes, as it demonstrates a higher level of safety competence.
    6. Project Efficiency: Safer work environments often lead to increased productivity. When workers feel secure and confident in their surroundings, they can focus on their tasks without the distraction of safety concerns. This, in turn, enhances project efficiency.
    7. Reduced Downtime: Accidents and injuries can lead to project delays and work stoppages. Implementing ISO 45001 helps minimise such interruptions by reducing the occurrence of incidents and their subsequent impact on project timelines.
    8. Worker Engagement and Morale: Construction workers are more likely to be engaged and motivated when they feel their safety is prioritized. This can lead to higher retention rates, improved teamwork, and a more positive work atmosphere.
    9. Supply Chain Management: As construction projects involve various suppliers and subcontractors, ISO 45001 certification can improve supply chain management. It encourages partners to align with the same safety standards, fostering consistency across the project.
    10. Sustainable Business Practices: ISO 45001 promotes a culture of continuous improvement. By regularly assessing and refining their safety practices, construction companies can establish a foundation for sustainable growth and long-term success.
    11. Emergency Preparedness: Construction sites need effective emergency response plans. ISO 45001 encourages the development of these plans, ensuring that workers and stakeholders know how to respond to emergencies, minimizing potential damage.
    12. Global Market Access: For construction businesses involved in international projects or seeking to expand their reach, ISO 45001 certification provides a globally recognised standard that can facilitate entry into new markets.

Overall, ISO 45001 is especially valuable for construction businesses due to the industry’s high-risk nature. Implementing the standard fosters a safer working environment, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency, which contribute to the success and growth of construction projects and companies.

Speak to the team at Adaptive today.


Asbestos A License requirements:

It’s important to note that these requirements can change, and the specific details can vary based on individual circumstances, changes in regulations, and other factors. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information about the Asbestos A Licence requirements in NSW, you should visit the official SafeWork NSW website or contact SafeWork NSW directly.

Asbestos | SafeWork NSW


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